About Us » Title IX

Title IX

TITLE IX, 34 C.F.R. Part 106.8
In accordance with Title IX, the Region 16 Education Service Center does not, and is required not to, discriminate on the basis of sex. The requirement of non-discrimination extends to employment and includes sexual harassment.
To view an electronic copy of the Title IX policy DHA (LEGAL),(LOCAL), (EXHIBIT), please go to: https://pol.tasb.org/Home/Index/1137
To obtain a copy of the Title IX policies, including the grievance process that complies with 34 C.F.R. § 106.45(b) of the Title IX Regulations, please contact: Michelle Wilson - 806-677-5060.
The Region 16 Education Service Center has designated and authorized the following employee as the Title IX Coordinator to address concerns or inquiries regarding discrimination on the basis of sex, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and gender-based harassment:
Title IX Coordinator: Michelle Wilson
Office Address: 5800 S. Bell Street, Amarillo, TX 79109
Email Address: [email protected]
Telephone Number:  806.677.5060
Any individual may report sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, at any time, including during non-business hours, by mail, telephone, or email.
During business hours, reports may also be made in person.
Region 16 ESC’s Title IX administrator has attended Eichelbaum Wardell Hansen Powell & Muñoz P.C.’s “2023 Texas Title IX Administrator Conference.” Materials from this conference in compliance with Section 106.45(b)(10)(i)(D) of the regulations can be found here: 2023 Title IX Administrator Conference