Superintendent Resources » Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA)

Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA)

Teacher Incentive Allotment
The Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) is designed to recognize effective teachers throughout the state of Texas. As part of the TIA criteria, effective teachers can be recognized on three different designation levels: Recognized, Exemplary and Master. Based on these teacher designations, additional teacher-focused allotment funding will be awarded to districts to reward their top performers. The information below was taken directly from the TIA Website at
TIA Tests Offered
TEA now has 346 districts receiving funds. 
13,774 Designated Teachers
$145,208,362 awarded in 2023
Region 16 had 100% acceptance rate of the LEAs who submitted TIA applications (initial and expansion and modification applications).
Region 16 districts interested in receiving TIA funding will follow the steps below. 
Complete and submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) for Cohort F.
The purpose of the Letter of Intent is to share your TIA purpose and to provide TEA with your district TIA contact person (to receive upcoming information about TEA training and webinars).

Refer to the Application "Year at a Glance"

Register for TIA Zoom sessions: TIA Technical Assistance Calendar (register for all with
“Applying Districts” as the Audience) 

Download and Save the: TIA Readiness Guide 

Download and complete the Application (updated 2024-2025 application will be published by TIA in November)

Review the Application Exemplar Answers

Refer to the Year 2: “Year At A Glance” 

Register for TIA Zoom sessions: TIA Technical Assistance Calendar (register for all with
“Application Accepted Districts” as the Audience) 

Download and Save the: TIA Planning Guide for Data Capture Year

Review the: Student Growth Performance Standards and Teacher Observation Performance Standards

Refer to the: Expansion and Modification Application if needing to add additional staff to TIA. 

Register for TIA Zoom sessions: TIA Technical Assistance Calendar (register for all with
“Application Accepted Districts” as the Audience) 

Review the: Instructions for Data Submission and Data Submission FAQ

Download and Save: Data Submission File 

Contact us today for more information.