Multilingual Learners


Our goal is to provide professional development, follow-up support, and effective teaching strategies to the educators of Region 16.


We offer a variety of training sessions at Region 16, but we can also customize training to meet specific district needs.

  Professional Development for MLL Teachers


The TEA English Learner Support Division is continuously developing program implementation resources for Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to utilize in providing effective bilingual education and English as a second language (ESL) programs for English Learners that meet and exceed state requirements.

Title III Parent, Family and Community Engagement 

Each school district receiving funds under Title III to provide a language instruction educational program is required to provide supplemental (1) parent outreach training and activities, (2) family outreach, training and literacy services, and (3) community participation programs for English Learners, immigrant students and their families.

This requirement includes districts that are a part of the Region 16 Title III SSA and those that are independent Title III Districts.

The Parent, Family and Community outreach activities for Title III are in addition to other parental involvement requirements for Title I or Migrant programs. The outreach and training activities that Title III districts provide should assist ELs and their families to improve their English language skills, improve academic performance of students, and assist parents in becoming active participants in the education of their children.

In order to be considered a Title III family, parent and community outreach activity, parents and families of ELs or immigrant students must be the only audience or participants.

Ideas for Title III Parental Outreach Activities:

  • parent sessions focused on the procedures of the district

  • parent training focused on homework and home connections to content areas

  • parent meetings to focus on the types of communication to be received from the district

  • parent information meetings to showcase programs and services in an effort to recruit volunteers

Ideas for Title III Family Outreach and Literacy Activities:

  • civics education classes

  • family training to promote literacy development at home

  • monthly newsletters that include literacy strategies for home

  • fairs showcasing the cultures of families of ELs and immigrant students

  • poetry gatherings reflecting progress in English language proficiency

  • informational meetings about best practices for instruction of ELs

Ideas for Title III Community Outreach:

  • partnering the families of ELs with community members for adult literacy or the development of real-world writing skills

  • connecting families of ELs to community resources ( public library, after school care, summer programs, food banks and other family service agencies)

  • hosting guest speakers from the community who are English Learners to talk about their experiences in learning English

It is essential that each district maintain documentation of all Title III Family Engagement Activities that are completed each year for parent, family and community outreach activities. Districts may be asked to submit agendas, handouts, presentations, sign-in sheets and other appropriate forms of documentation during Title III validation processes.
