We work to support and serve local education agencies and charter schools in a joint effort to improve student performance. We are committed to providing services to support our districts, schools, administrators, teachers, and students.
Please explore all the valuable resources we have provided on this web page. Thank you for visiting, and please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.
- Provide professional development on:
- Current eligibility criteria issues
- Eligibility categories
- Evaluation instrument training
- Interpretation of evaluation results
- Legal updates
- Newly certified evaluation personnel training
- Provide technical assistance and professional development on the Legal Framework for the Child-Centered Process
- Provide technical assistance and professional development on the identification of IDEA disabilities
- Provide technical assistance and professional development to educational diagnosticians, speech language pathologists and licensed specialists in school psychology
- Legal Framework
- LD Online - Learning Disabilities Information and Resources
- National Association of School of School Psychologists (NASP)
- Texas Association of School Psychologists (TASP)
- Texas Educational Diagnostician's Association
- The ARC of Texas
- The Council for Exceptional Children
- What Works Clearinghouse